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Subliminal Transcriptions


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation - Hand Held Screens


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation - Hand Held Screens


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation - Hand Held Screens


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation - Hand Held Screens


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation Plan of Blackbox Theater


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation Drawing


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation - light box projection diagram


Subliminal Transcriptions light Installation light boxes

'Subliminal Transcriptions' is a light installation using simple means, a light source and a reflector, to amplify minuscule conditions that are normally overlooked. The result is a transcription of the topography of the reflector into light drawings.


As the viewers enters the installation they can see the light drawings produced without yet witnessing the projection mechanism. As they enter deeper into the space they are exposed to the mechanism and could explore the light in the space with their hand held screens. See a video tour of the installation.


The show is testing an array of reflector characteristics and transformations (detailed to the right). Though the projections are produced by physical material reflections, an array of digital design and fabrication tools as well as digital movement actuators were used.


The installation is the conclusion of Yael Erel's graduate research in architecture and light at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture.


Installation by Yael Erel

Advisors: Ted Krueger and Michael Oatman.

Sound: by Torben Pastore and Pauline Oliveros' Expanded Instrument System


The Black Box Theater - The Arts Center of the Capital Region's (Troy, NY) - June 2013


Thanks to the staff and faculty at the Lighting Research Center and the RPI Architecture School, Ed Bear, Martin Overington, Jean Paul Freyssinier, Ute Besenecker, Erin Ryan, Joey Falla, Fleet Hower, Ralph Ghoche, Bill Bergman and the RPI Architecture School Fabrication Shop, Jonas Braasch and Dean Evan Douglis, Avner Ben Natan and lightexture, Royah Ansari and The Arts Center of the Capital Region.

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